Copyright Notice

All material on is copyrighted material and the copyright is owned by me, Ron Shurman - except where specifically noted. This copyright protection includes all photographs, writing, and the web design and layout of site. You may use my photographs for your personal, non-business use as long as you give me the appropriate credit by marking each use of the photo with: "© Ron Shurman,

If you use any of my photos on the internet, you must include both the copyright notice, and a link to my home page

If you would like to use any of my material for business purposes, you are required to have written permission from me. You can contact me to receive written permission at: The Building of this web site requires a great deal of my time, energy and money. Please respect my generous copyright restrictions.

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I respects your privacy. If you choose to sign up for my All4vanCamping News mailing list, I will use your e-mail address only to notify you of changes or updates to my site,including the webrings with you. I assure you, I do not make my mailing list available to any other individuals or companies.
Thank you, Ron Shurman

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